How To Cook Lasagna With Just An Air Fryer ?

Air Fryer is just too cool as a kitchen gadget. In our last blog we shared that we bought an air fryer and gave some ideas on how to cook healthy food using it. You may check the link below to read more.

We are truly happy with what our air fryer can do and how it has helped make our food preparations quicker and easier.

Recently, we challenged ourselves to cook lasagna using just an air fryer. Yes, just an air fryer! No oven, no stove, no sauteing, no baking and no boiling. What do you think was the result? It is for you to find out. Let’s not prolong the suspense. Let’s continue. 

What we needed ? 

1 250 gram of no-boil (oven ready) lasagna sheet  

1 medium size onion 

1 one small red bell pepper 

5 cloves of garlic 

2 medium size  tamatoes 

2 teaspoons of sugar 

2 teaspoons of salt 

1 stick of butter 

Few celery leaves 

1/2 cup of milk 

1 tsp of ground black pepper 

2 packs tomato sauce 

1 pack mozzarella cheese 

500 gm ground meat (pork, meat or beef) 

How did we do it?  

This is how we cooked lasagna using an air fryer.  

  1. Mince onions and garlic. 

2. Mix minced onion, garlic, sugar, salt, 1 pack of tomato sauce, ground pepper and ground meat.  

3.Place a parchment paper to the inner basket of the air fryer then put the meat. Cook in air fryer for 10 min at 200 degrees Celsius. Stir to ensure that those at the bottom are placed on top. Cook again for 10 min at 200 degrees celsius. Click the link to see the video.

4. While meat is cooking, slice pepper thinly and chop celery leaves finely. Put aside 

5. In a bowl, mix 1 pack of tomato sauce, butter and milk well. This is the lasagna sauce, Click the link below to see the video.


  1. Remove the meat from the air fryer once it is cooked.  
  1. Replace the parchment paper. 
  2. Arrange the lasagna sheets in the air fryer. For every layer put meat, sauce and cover it with mozzarella cheese. Fill half of the inner basket . Click the link below to see the video.
  1. Cook for at least 20 mins at 200 degrees Celsius.
  1. Continue arranging lasagna, sauce and cheese and fill up the entire basket of the airfryer.  
  1. Fill the Top most of the lasagna with sauce, meat and mozzarella cheese.  
  1. Cook for 20 mins at 200 degrees Celsius 
  1.   Garnish with celery leaves and bell pepper.  
  2. Test if it is already cooked by dipping a stick. If it comes out clean then the lasagna is ready to be served. Click the link below to see the video.

This is good to go. It is easy, isn’t it?  Indeed, there are a lot of recipes that you can try out with your air fryer. You just have to be creative.

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2 thoughts on “How To Cook Lasagna With Just An Air Fryer ?”

  1. Pingback: Good Reasons Why We Love To Cook! – True Home Joy

  2. Pingback: What are the disadvantages of an Air Fryer? – True Home Joy

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